• Phone: +91-9897062226
  • Email: oak.buds@gmail.com

School Rules

  • a) Every pupil should carry his/her school diary to school every day. It must have his/her photograph, with complete information duly signed by the parents.
  • b) Every pupil should endeavour to keep up the high tone of the school.
  • c) The School reserves to itself the right to dismiss students who continually fail to give satisfactory progress in their studies or whose conduct is, in any way detrimental to the orderly life of the school.
  • d) Absence from school must be supported by a leave letter from the parent or guardian of the student. It should be written on a proper sheet of paper with address, it should tally with the specimen signatures given.
    • (i) For Leave on non- medical reasons, leave application should be submitted in advance.
    • (ii) If leave is taken on medical grounds for more than two days a medical certificate from a qualified doctor should be enclosed along with the leave application.
    • (iii) If a student is absent without information for more than ten days, child's name will be struck off the rolls. Re admission if granted shall be done on payment of fine for the days of absence and readmission fee.
    • (iv) Attendance on National holidays is compulsory.
    • (v) Absentees at an examination will be considered as having failed unless it has been established that their absence was due to illness.
  • e) Students are not allowed to leave the school premises without permission from the Principal.
  • f) No half-day leaves will be allowed for attending any family functions. Parents must ensure that they must prefer not sending the child to the school in case of any proposed engagements.
  • g) Each student will be issued two I-Cards (one student & one parent I-Card). It will be mandatory for parent or any nominee to show the Parent I- Card of the child at the school reception for collecting the child.
  • h) In case of emergency parents must collect the child personally. No child will be allowed to leave the school on telephonic request with servant/driver's or with anyone else. This is for the security of your ward. All parents are requested to co-operate with us.
  • i) The loss of the I-Card must be reported to the school immediately. New I-Card will be issued with a fine of Rs. 500/- .
  • j) No student is permitted to engage any of the School Teachers as private tutors without the written sanction from the Principal.
  • k) When students move along the corridor, as when changing classes, they must walk in silence and in single line. They should always keep to the left except when several classes are going down the stairs together. The teacher in the class should be the last to leave.
  • l) Students who come to school on their own must reach the school before the bell rings. No student will be allowed to come to school in a self-driven motor cycle, car or scooty.
  • m) Students must not scribble on the walls / doors of the school building , corridors, toilets etc. No Graffiti is allowed on the school walls.
  • n) Students are not allowed to bring crackers, Holi colour, I-Pods, cell phone, cameras, or any electronic gadgets to the school. If confiscated the same will be returned only to the parents by Principal.
  • o) Loitering on the way when coming to school or returning home is totally discouraged.
  • p) Students will be answerable to the school authorities for their conduct in and out of the school. Any misbehaviour, justifies dismissal. Irregular attendance, habitual illness, disobedience, use of indecent language, coming to school without proper school uniform and above all discourtesy or disrespect to teachers are sufficient cause of dismissal.
  • q) On their way to and from the school, students must remember that the school is judged by their conduct. They should greet the teachers of the school when they meet them, it being understood of course, that teachers return their pupils greetings. Thus every pupil Is urged to contribute so that high tone of the school is maintained by their manners and deportment.
  • r) No fines of any kind or collection for any purpose what so ever, may be made without prior sanction of the Principal.
  • s) Presents to members of the staff or other demonstrations of honour cannot be made without permission of the Principal.
  • t) All the students are expected to participate in school activities and the credit will be given for outstanding performance.
  • u) School offers many co-curricular activities; children would be allowed to audition for all as per the requirement but the selection criteria and final decision will be taken by the school only.
  • v) Students using unfair means in the examination will be given zero in the subject and it will be recorded as an act of misconduct.
  • w) Students, who are on leave due to various reasons, are not allowed in the school campus for any purpose.
  • x) School will not be responsible for goods lost. It is advisable not to bring valuable articles like expensive watches or jewellery to school. Name tags on school blazers, shoes and other belongings matter of the school are required.
  • y) Students should get their assessment report signed by their parents / guardians within three days of the receipt of the assessment reports and return them.
  • z) No student should indulge in any of the following practices namely: Disfiguring or otherwise damaging any school property, rowdy and rude behaviour, use of violence in any form, casteism, communalism or practice of untouchability.